Looking for…
- Help with Gather?
- Virtual Backgrounds?
- General information on the online format of the poster session?
Gather Tutorial
First time user or having trouble with Gather? Take a look at this tutorial.
Virtual Backgrounds
Pick your favorite #POM23 virtual background to use while you interact with others in Gather!

Online Poster Session
In addition to being shared on the X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn accounts for POM, posters will be available for direct viewing and Q&A with presenters on Gather during 4 scheduled sessions:
- Session I: Nov. 13, 1:35-2:05 pm EST
- Session II: Nov. 13, 3:05-3:50 pm EST
- Session III: Nov. 14, 11:35 am-12:20 pm EST
- Session IV: Nov. 14, 1:55-2:40 pm EST
More info on the online poster session can be found here.