From new optical developments to applications of the techniques, this track is a showcase of recent advancements across the whole field of Optics and Photonics and the influence they have on society.
Selected Speakers
Jinliang Ren, The Australian National University, Australia, “Quantum Imaging Using Entangled Photons From Nonlinear Metasurfaces.”
Dominik Koutny, Palacky University Olomouc, Czechia, “Deep learning of quantum entanglement.”
Falko Schmidt, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, “Optothermal Manipulation of Micro- and Nanoscale Systems.”
Graham Bruce, University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom, “Making the most of interference: high sensitivity metrology with speckle.”
Nathan Drouillard, University of Windsor, Canada, “Kerr-Instability Amplification for Broadband Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy.”
Yao Wang, Northeastern University, United States, “Widefield Target Illumination Microscopy achieves confocal quality neuronal images.”
Fabienne Dumoulin, Acibadem University, Turkey, “Phthalocyanines as Photosensitisers for Photodynamic therapy – Chemistry in Biomedical Photonics.”
Wendy Meulebroeck, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, “Using photonics as a non-destructive tool for the study of silver-staining in glass windows.”
Organizing Committee
Danielle Harper, Harvard Medical School and the Wellman Center for Photomedicine, United States
Joshua A. Burrow, Brown University, United States
Ellen C. M. Daly, The Open University, United Kingdom
Pradipta Mukherjee, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Maria Luiza Ferreira Vicente, University of São Paulo – Physics Institute of São Carlos, Brazil