Welcome to the Photonics Online Meet-up (POM),
the conference for photonics researchers around the globe!

POM is an entirely free virtual conference geared towards bringing together a community of early career and established researchers from universities, industry, and government to amplify the role of optics and photonics in daily life.
Attend POM individually or via broadcasting at your local POM-hub! POM-hubs are self-organized POM broadcasting events that may be combined with local events, e.g. networking events, pizza parties, round table discussions, or complementary seminars among participants of the local photonics ecosystem.
POM 2023 has the following four tracks in optics:
- Biomedical Imaging Technologies, chaired by Fei Xia
- Smart Data-Driven Imaging, chaired by Estibaliz Gómez-de-Mariscal
- Light-Assisted Microfabrication, chaired by Gordon Zyla
- Hot Topics, chaired by Danielle Harper
Registration for this free event is open now and the preliminary conference schedule has been published! Be sure to sign up before registration closes on November 11 at 12 pm EST!
Please note that abstract submission for presentations closed on July 27 and for posters on August 14.
Stay up to date on the latest POM news!
Follow @PhotonicsMeetup or #POM23 on X (formerly Twitter), connect with us on LinkedIn, and join our mailing list!
Learn more about the conference organizers and the conference mission.